The three stages of financial freedom

The three stages of financial freedom

The URL of my blog is But what is financial freedom really about? Financial freedom is the third stage of a journey which fundamentally improves your financial situation step by step. The first stage is financial stability, the second stage is financial independence and the last stage is financial freedom. Financial freedom is most accurately defined such that all your expenses are covered by passive income streams. Read more about the three stages of financial freedom in this blog post!

To read more, click here! will appear in English from now on: will appear in English from now on:

Switching my blog from Germany to English? Really? While this may come as a surprise to many of you, I had pondered about it move for a while. Ultimately, I want to reach an audience as broad and large as possible with my blog. I believe there is a tremendous need for fact-based, unbiased information on personal finance issues. Simply put, I want to better cater to this need in English going forward. Let me thank all of my German-speaking readers for their support to date. While I hope you will continue reading my blog also in English, I look forward to having many new readers join the community.

Today’s article will lay out my reasons for switching the language of my blog from German to English—even adding an additional, English URL to reach this blog:

To read more, click here!

Mit der Crowd Betongold schürfen

Mit der Crowd Betongold schürfen

Wie der Titel des Artikels nahelegt, geht es im heutigen Artikel um Crowd-Investments in Immobilien! Da ich selbst keine Erfahrung mit diesen Investments habe, habe ich meinen Bloggerkollegen Christian Ankenbrand von zu einem Gastbeitrag eingeladen. Viel Spass beim Lesen!

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